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This historical masterpiece of Swiss architecture, built in the XVI century, and has been perfectly renovated to the highest standard of Swiss Luxury Living & Security.
Switzerland's international reputation of Land of tranquility & peace, stable real-estate market, and economy, makes Switzerland the ideal country in the heart of Europe to invest & live.
For further details, viewing by appointment only, contact technical & marketing agents:  

+49  89 929 4896  (Germany land line) 
+49 171 6115192  (Cell Phone)
+33 608 48 32 38  (France)
+41 789 00 37 75  (Switzerland)

All Rights Reserved©. Atelier Mackay Design real-estate staging. Tino Zahedi.

  The Philosopher, Musician, & Writer, Jean-Jacques Rousseau often sought inspiration at the Château to write & compose musical masterpieces with such long term success that even today's Rock Stars would envie.

The ballroom being the ideal place to recite his famous Opera « Le Devin du Village » that was then first performed before the court of King Louis XV of France. This Opera became such a « Hit » it was performed everywhere From the Royal Château de Versailles, Fontainebleau, and throughout many of the royal courts of European Aristocracy, studied as a masterpiece of its time by the Royal Academy of music.

Louis XV loved the work so much that he offered Rousseau the great honor of a life pension. Rousseau modestly refused the honor. However, his Opera became such a « Hit », it brought him Fame & Fortune throughout his career, and was performed 18 years later in 1770 at the Royal wedding of Louis XVI to Marie Antoinette.

Rousseau kindly donated his portrait to the Château and one can see his inscription today on the Castles watchtower :"Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Citoyen de Genève"

This Château certainly inspired JJ. Rousseau, it will more than inspire you, just as the village has been home, and attracted Celebrities and Stars for decades.


For Further Information, Contact Tino Zahedi or James Mackay.


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